Setting up iRODS

1 minute read


Learn how to install and use the Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS). iRODS is open source data management software used by research groups, such as CyVerse. This software provides access to data on the terminal, whether that be your local computer or a high performance computer (HPC). Below are the steps to getting iRODS installed on your machine and an example of a data download.

CyVerse Account Registration

  1. Create an account here
  2. Access the CyVerse DataStore here
  3. Login to your account by clicking on the Login icon:
  4. You can now navigate the CyVerse DataStore. Check our phenomics research data collected by the Field Scanner here

  5. Follow the steps below to get iRODS command access on your terminal so that you can download large datasets.

iRODS Installation

macOS users

  1. Download the macOS installer here.
  2. Follow the installation steps.
  3. On your terminal, run:

  4. Fill in the prompts with:

    Host namePort #UsernameZonePassword
    data.cyverse.org1247CyVerse User IDiplantCyVerse password
  5. You’re now ready to start downloading data!

Linux & Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) users

  1. Download the iRODS installation shell script and give it executable permissions:

     wget && chmod 755
  2. Run the installation script:

     sudo ./
  3. Log in to iRODS:

  4. Fill in the prompts with:

    Host namePort #UsernamezonePassword
    data.cyverse.org1247CyVerse User IDiplantCyVerse password
  5. You’re ready to start downloading some data!

iRODS Data Download

Let’s say we want to download some hyperspectral data on the phytooracle CyVerse DataStore. Follow the steps below to do just that:

  1. Open the CyVerse DataStore website

  2. Find the file you’d like to download

  3. To download the highlighted file above, copy the “Path” and run the iget command. Below is an example:

     iget -KPVT /iplant/home/shared/phytooracle/season_12_sorghum_soybean_sunflower_tepary_yr_2021/level_0/VNIR/VNIR-2021-05-29__12-17-47-496_sunflower.tar.gz


    Below is an explanation of each flag used above:

    • -K Verify the checksum
    • -P Output the progress of the download
    • -V Verbose
    • -T Renew socket connection after 10 minutes

    It’s recommended to use the -KT flags, as it prevents errors due to internet connectivity. To see a full list of other flags/options, click here.