iRODS Crash Course

less than 1 minute read


Learn how to use iRODS for your research data management needs. This tutorial will walk you through downloading and uploading data using iRODS.

  1. Let’s download some files, run:

     iget -N 0 -PVT /iplant/home/emmanuelgonzalez/acic_2021_tutorials/mavic_mini_2_sorghum.mp4
  2. Did you run into any problems?
    • I did not share the file with you, that’s why you got that error!
  3. Now that I have shared the file with you, run the command again:

     iget -N 0 -PVT /iplant/home/emmanuelgonzalez/acic_2021_tutorials/mavic_mini_2_sorghum.mp4
  4. To open the folder in which you downloaded the file run the following command depending on your OS:

    • macOS

        open .
    • WSL 2

        explorer.exe .
    • Linux

        xdg-open .
  5. Now upload the file to your CyVerse Data Store, run:

     iput -N 0 -PVT mavic_mini_2_sorghum.mp4
  6. Go to the CyVerse Data Store and navigate to your home directory.

  7. You can share a file by logging into the CyVerse Data Store, clicking on the 3 dots on the far right and clicking “Share.”

  8. Share the file with someone present on the Zoom call.
  9. Congratulations, you are now an iRODS expert!